Welcome Message

Hey, what do you know? I can be taught! I'm officially a blogger. What the heck is a blog anyway? The simplest way to describe it is as my personal journal that’s not so personal because I share it with everyone in the world. This blog is titled “The Bull Stops Here” and focuses on insurance issue that will save you time, money and frustration.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:
- ways to help you save money on your insurance
- techniques to save you time on managing your insurance
- answers to your questions on coverage issues
- educational resources and workshops that will solve your insurance challenges

My mission is to help you gain more confidence and trust in your business or personal insurance while spending the least amount of money.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Switch to Word Press

Dear Friends,

Effective immediately, I am switching over my blog page to Word Press from Blogger. What that means for you is that there is a NEW URL address to use to read my blogs.

Please change your setting to http://blog.toroinsurance.com. I will double post for several weeks in the transition.

You will find it much easier to post and navigate in my web site. Your comments are always welcome.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fire safety for the summer

July is normally the month every place starts heating up...even Washington. The 4th of July is right around the corner and fireworks will be par for everyone's course. That being said, make sure there aren't any fireworks at your business this year. Now is a great time to check out your fire safety with these quick tips...

  1. Smoking is a problem. If you have a business where employees or customers are allowed to smoke on your perimeter, make sure you have appropriate safety measures. You should have a special cigarette trash receptacle outside in several areas for the smokers to throw away their butts. Too often, I’ve seen cigarette butts on the ground in areas where flammables are nearby. Make sure you are giving smokers a place to park their butts. In addition, you should be as diligent as Disneyland employees in picking up any stray cigarette butts.
  1. Housekeeping in general is critical. Keep all refuse and garbage in proper containers and dumpsters. Cardboard can be often left lying around. This is a poor practice anytime but especially now.
  1. Talk with your employees. Communication on key safety issues should always be communicated with your employees. This is no exception. Remind them of increased fire dangers during the summer and ask them to police the grounds. This should be a team effort. It may also keep them aware of their own personal fire safety at home.
  1. If your business has a kitchen, make sure everything inside is also being cared for. Housekeeping counts here too. Remind everyone that their mother doesn’t live there and to make sure all appliances that turn on and off are OFF when they leave.
  1. Make sure all electrical wiring is safe. This is a good time for an inspection of your grounds and buildings. Look for areas that might be cause for concern. Not only will you be protecting your business from a fire hazard, you may be catching other issues as well.
Whether your at home or at work, fire safety is a year-round concern. During the summer, it intensifies. Make sure you are protecting yourself and your valuable assets this summer.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Program for Agents this Thursday

If you happen to be an insurance agent in the Kitsap County area, you have the opportunity to see me give a presentation on Commercial Property and Casualty coverages and how they relate to your clients. I am doing a workshop in Silverdale for the Professional Insurance Women in the afternoon of Thursday, July, 19th. You will walk away with strategies to help you become a better advocate for your client.

What's this mean for you? It means higher retention, better relationships, and less chance of errors and omissions claims. Sound good?

For more information, contact me at 360-697-1058 or dan@toroic.com.


Friday, June 6, 2008

You MUST See This!!!

Check out this great blog article from my Ergonomic-geek friend Tim Longley from e-Office Innovations. Think this guy has been sitting behind his computer tool long!

Click here to go to Tim's blog and watch (2 minutes, 51 seconds).


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Are You Voting Employees off the Island?

If you want to be appalled at what happens in certain schools in our country, read this article. It may make your blood boil a little like mine did. Voting a kindergarten kid out of the class when you know he has a disability that effects his behavior is idiotic.

Now, we can all look at that and see lots of dollars in lawsuits and deservedly so. This is a case where discrimination, harassment, and just poor judgement will cost that school district big bucks.

How does this apply to your work environment? Could you be treating employees in similar ways? Certainly, you may not literally be voting employees off the "island", but allowing certain things to happen in the workplace or making life challenging for difficult employees can happen, even if you don't mean for it to.

Here's the deal...

Employment Practice Liability claims are getting more and more common and costly. You may not even realize that an employee is feeling harassed or discriminated by other employees or supervisors. That is until you get the subpoena!

Make sure that you are doing everything possible to monitor your employees behaviors and document areas of concern. Being sued is the last thing you want. Or being kicked off your own island.


Monday, May 26, 2008

100 Most Dangerous Days

Happy Memorial Day! In addition to firing up the BBQ or heading to the ball game (like I am tonight for the Mariners and Red Sox), you should keep one item in the back of your mind for the next few months.

Starting today and running through Labor Day are the 100 most dangerous days to drive for Americans. Pretty sobering thought to bring up on a holiday, but that's what we risk managers do. Why are the next 100 days so dangerous? You probably know most of the answers...
  1. Speaking of sober, you guessed it - too much drinking and driving. All those summer, graduation, and wedding parties add up to too much alcohol on the road.
  2. All those teenagers and college students are on the road again. Usually driving way too fast!
  3. Vacation time means more people on the road. Unfortunately, when we as a society head for a break, we are usually in a hurry to get there. So we drive fast and are impatient. A bad combination behind the wheel.
  4. We are in too much of a hurry. In our fast-paced world, it all has to happen now. We tend to be late all the time and trying to make up time.
  5. Distracted driving. Cell phones, eating and drinking, reading the newspaper (you've all seen it), and other distractions are making us less focused. This happens all year round but can be exacerbated during summer.
Add to it that a consequence of many of these is the growing concern of Road Rage. When you mix all these factors together, you can see how dangerous it is every time you get behind the wheel.

Here are some tips to help you stay safe this summer...
  • Leave early - wherever you are headed, give yourself plenty of time. Many of our accidents happen because we are trying to make up time.
  • Don't get involved with an aggressive driver. Let them pass, don't make eye contact and don't stop. If they follow you, drive to a public place - never drive home.
  • Don't drink and drive. Enough said!
  • Avoid distractions like cell phones and eating in the car. There's too much to keep your mind occupied as it is.
  • Be a defensive driver. Pay attention and don't make it a competition.
Whether its for work or pleasure, make sure you are safe not only these next 100 days, but always!


Friday, May 23, 2008

Are you ready to re-charge your batteries?

I just got done reading a blog from a good friend of mine, Pete McDowell. Pete is a business coach and has some valuable insight on re-charging those batteries this holiday weekend. To read his insightful article, click here...

Best wishes for a great weekend.


Friday, May 16, 2008

You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

I was at a coffee shop today to meet a client and discuss a business situation. We chose this particular coffee shop because it had free WiFi. I still don't understand why every coffee shop doesn't offer free WiFi yet. You'd think they would pick up on the point it could bring in more business. I digress.

My laptop was low on juice so I searched around to find a table that had an outlet nearby to plug in. After not finding any, I inquired to the barista behind the desk and she pointed straight up. The outlets were in the ceiling! You can't make this stuff up! Are you kidding me?

The only way to plug in my lap top was to climb on top of a chair, haul up the cord, and plug it into the ceiling.

Outside of being non-customer friendly, it's a HUGE liability issue. People like me, who don't want to pack up and search for another location will be climbing chairs every day to plug in their computers. Can you imagine a 63-year old executive teetering on a flimsy chair? Can you spell L-A-W-S-U-I-T? This is a liability claim waiting to happen.

Before you scoff this off as stupidity (which it is), take a close look around your office or business location. What potential hazards do you see? What may seem to us as routine, may be a teetering business man on a chair to someone else. Make sure you're taking care of your risk management issues before someone takes care of it for you.

Bottoms up!


Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm BACK!!!

I know it's been a full month since my last post on this blog. My apologies. In fact, not only will you see more blogging in the future, but you will see a new format. Like my Dan Weedin Presents blog for presentation skills - According to Dan - this blog will soon move to Word Press. You can expect this change within the month and I will be doing a much more thorough job of blogging.

To kick-off my return, you need to know some important information. The teleconference interview with Chris Madison has a time change. The date (May 14) is still the same, but the time will now be 10:00am Pacific. This is very important for the Toro Insiders who get this conference call for FREE, and to those who want to join. Chris will share strategies with you on how to better manage your life, disability, and long-term care insurance needs. This is important for all business owners and professionals. Don't miss it. To register, go to my web site store and sign up by clicking here...

Please keep checking back for more information about the changes I'm making.


P.S. Want to know more about how you can become a Toro Insider, click here...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What's Your Identity Worth?

If you missed today's teleconference with Brenda Wall from PrePaid Legal Services you missed a good one. Brenda gave her strategies to protecting your good name and your business' liability exposure.

One statistic really caught my attention, though. Did you know that only 28% of identity theft comes from the financial arena? Over 70% of identity theft comes from stolen social security numbers, drivers license information, medical records, and criminal records. For instance, if you lose your drivers license, someone can steal your identity and the next thing you know you have three DUI's on your record. Scary. You need to be vigilant with any personal information you have because the more the bad guys know about you, the more they can steal from you.

Education is the best way to arm yourself in this fight. I will soon have this audio available in my Toro store. Keep an eye out for it.


Friday, April 4, 2008

What's your income worth?

If you're like most business owners, you are making sure you have adequate coverage for your property, your liability, and your fleet of autos. You may take great care and effort to make sure you aren't underinsured.

Do you take that same care and concern with what might be most important to you...your loss of income?

I recently reviewed a policy where my client was expecting to make about $10,000,000 in sales but his Business Income limit was under $2,000,000. My question is, how long can you actually last in the event of a catastrophic loss?

Your Business Income coverage will pay for ordinary payroll, continuing expenses (like rent and advertising), AND loss of income. This is sometimes made to be a more complicated method than it should be.

Do this - figure out how much money you will need to cover those three areas if your business was unable to work for a month. Then figure out how long you could potentially be out of business. For instance, if you need $100,000 for a month and you think you could be out of business for 6 months due to a disaster like a fire, at the minimum you would consider a $600,000 limit. Now, you may be able to resume operations to some extent and may not need that much, but it's better to have too much instead of not enough, especially if your claim lasts longer than 6 months.

Take the time to discuss Business Income at length with your agent. make sure your income is protected.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

What's on your inside?

Last night, my wife and I took our 17-year old daughter shopping for work clothes for her trip to Mexico on an Interact project to help a school be rebuilt. We decided to go to Goodwill to pick up some inexpensive clothes that she could feel free to ruin.

As they were shopping, I decided to browse around the men's clothes. To my shock, I found two suits that were as good as new on the rack. They were both beautiful and made by high end clothiers - Jos. A Banks and Tommy Hilfiger. The cost - $20 each! I tried them on, I looked for the "red dot" (remember that infamous Seinfeld episode), or anything that would make me not want to purchase them. Nothing!

The bottom line, the cost of the suits plus a little tailoring will come to less than half what I would pay anywhere else. The moral of the story? Don't always accept that what you see on the outside isn't very different inside. My original thought that this was just Goodwill, turned into an opportunity to buy quality products for virtually nothing.

What about your insurance policy? It comes in a neat, beautiful binder with your name handsomely stated on the front. It looks good; your agent says its good; and for all you know it's the perfect fit. But what's going on inside? You need to make sure that what you are actually paying for is what you need in a disaster.

Just like me taking the outside of Goodwill for granted, you can do the same with your insurance. Make sure that the inside of your policy, not the shiny cover is what really fits your business.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Agility Recovery Solutions

You have probably heard me warn about the dangers of not having a business continuation plan in place. If you haven't, now is a time to take notice. Regardless of your size, if you don't have a plan to keep your business alive in the hours and days after a devastating loss, you may not be able to get back in business even with insurance.

I'm proud to be associated with Agility Recovery Solutions because unlike insurance, if you have a disaster, they will be there without worrying about whether it's a covered peril like earthquake or flood.

There is an excellent webinar coming up on April 3 to help you understand the program more. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Here is the information on the webinar...


Join us for: "Business Continuity and the Independent Agent. Lessons learned from real world recoveries."

Date: April 3, 2008
Time: 10:00AM PT / 1:00PM ET

How to avoid a disaster, after a disaster. Get real-world insight into disaster recovery and business continuity. Bob Boyd, CEO of Agility Recovery, and several independent agents will dispel the myths about business continuity and disaster recovery.Agility will outline a few simple steps your agency and your clients can take today to prepare for tomorrow.

Click here to register: http://www.insurancejournal.com/webcasts/register.php?w=46

You've worked too hard to build your business. Make sure you've taken the time to protect it and yourself.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ergonomics - Don't be a pian in the neck!

First of all, my apologies for my lack of blogging lately...I will be more consistent.

Yesterday, one of my associates, Tim Longley from e-Office Innovations, gave a great presentation on ergonomics. If you have employees that spend most of their day sitting behind a computer, you have a serious exposure to workers compensation issues. Here's why:
  • 50% of all workers compensation claims in the United States come from computer-related injuries. Does that scare you? It should. Especially with more and more workers being able to do their jobs from home on laptops, this statistic may even go up.
  • Employees who are in pain from sitting behind a desk improperly are not as efficient as you would hope. Productivity goes down when people are hurt and can't work to their optimum output. You may say, "They don't act like their hurting." No, but you can imagine with the amount of repetitive strain, i.e. typing sitting, scrolling, etc., that they may be damaging themselves and not even know it.
  • You may be required by some governmental agency to get your act together or else. That can be very costly.
Look - the bottom line is that you want your employees to be safe and injury free. You want them to produce at their best capability and have fun at work. You also don't want to pay exorbinent workers compensation premiums. You need to develop a game plan for ergonomics.

If you need help, please feel free to contact Tim Longley at 206-842-4840 or visit his web site by clicking here.


P.S. Next week, my teleconference will feature Jon Newman from Agility Recovery Solutions. You will learn strategies to stay in business after a disaster hits. This call may just save your business! To register, click here now.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I need your help...

I'm doing a survey to help me develop a one-day Boot Camp to help business owners de-mystify the insurance process. By completing this survey, you will help me make the Boot Camp valuable to you and other business owners. You will receive a 20% discount to my next Boot Camp if you participate in this survey. To take this 6-question survey, click on the link:


It should take less than 5 minutes. Thank you for your help!


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Are you a blogger? Maybe you need insurance!

I recently read a great article from my friend Scott Simmonds. It's about the need for insurance if you are a blogger...either as a business or just for fun.

To read it, click here..


Happy Valentines Day

Last night, I spent a good portion of my evening working on my Rotary Auction project as I'm the chair of the committee. I came upstairs, bleery-eyed after a couple of hours of working...ready to hit the stack.

My wife Barb was sitting on the coach waiting for me and asked, "Dan, do you know what tomorrow is?"

My reply - "Thursday."

Her facetious response was fitting - "Boy, did I marry the most romantic guy!"


Happy Valentines Day to everyone, especially Barb!


P.S. Speaking of my auction, you can help support our cause regardless of where you live. We are doing an online auction starting March 4 and running through April 18. To donate an item or register to bid, go to http://poulsborotary.cmarket.com. Help us make a difference in the lives of millions.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Lights Out!

I was driving home from the airport last night when I was pulled over by a state trooper right around midnight. I knew I wasn't speeding, so I was anxious to hear why he stopped me. Turned out I had a headlight out.

The funny thing is he made me get out of the car with all my paperowrk, walk back to his patrol car, and answer questions at that spot. He was a nice guy, but his line of questioning was very strange for a headlight stop.

I was coming back from Las Vegas where I had been to a class. He inquired about everything from what airline I flew, to where I stayed, to why was in Vegas, to did I check luggage, and what did I do for a living. Finally, after the long line of questioning, he was kind enough to show me which light was out.

I would have normally been angry, but I have heard that the police will often do extra investigative work on headlight stops. It turns out the average criminal often doesn't take care of details like broken headlights and they catch many a villian this way. We'll see how good insurance consultants are at it, or if there is a parallel with the criminal mind!

Good thing I knew all the right answers and I got to go on my way with only a slight annoyance. Guess I need to get that light fixed now...


Monday, January 28, 2008

Data Backup

Backing up your data has become more important than ever in this technological business world. It's an issue I constantly discuss with my clients. Of course, I need to practice what I preach so I'm always looking for more efficient and inexpensive ways to do this.

My friend and mentor Scott Simmonds has devoted two recent blog posts about data backup. You can read his blogs by clicking here. He mentions a new service he has been using that's Internet based and costs only $50 per year. I'm interested, especially with a free 30-day trial. I know what my homework tonight is going to be!

Make sure you are doing all you can to protect your valuable computer media. In the end, it's far more valuable than the hardware.


P.S. If you live in the Greater Seattle area, you have the opportunity to take part in my next live The Bull Stops Here workshop. It's all about disaster - how to avoid it and how to survive it. To learn more and to register, click here...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Breaking News on Fraud from KPS

I know many of my readers have their medical insurance through KPS, so I thought this may be important to you. Thanks to the Kitsap Business Journal for the breaking news...

BREAKING NEWS: KPS Health Plans WarnsAgainst Fraudulent Calls

Several KPS Health Plan members have reportedly received fraudulent or 'phishing' calls from someone claiming to work for the health plan. The caller asks for their personal information including address, credit card or bank account information.
The caller has a foreign accent and phones under the pretense of needing the personal information to possibly move the member to another plan or to send new identification cards.
KPS Health Plans does not call members to request personal or financial information in a "cold call" style. KPS only calls when information is required to complete an application. In this case, the interaction would have been initiated by the member.
"People should not give out personal information when they did not initiate the action for the call," said Carrie Williams, Director of KPS Member Services. "We are a local company with local customer service representatives. If you doubt the validity of the call, ask for the person's name and then call the KPS main switchboard and ask to be transferred to that person. KPS wants its members to guard their identity and be very cautious in giving out their personal information."
Any suspected health care fraud may be reported to the KPS Fraud Line at 800-552-7114, ext. 6891 or online at www.kpshealthplans.com.

Monday, January 21, 2008

How valuable is your time?

I once asked a client what he thought his time was worth. He answered without hesitation – “$300 per hour”. Okay. I can buy that. If your time was worth $300 per hour, how much money do you waste a day?

This was never more evident for me than this past week when I had a SNAFU with my e-mail. Seems I was “hijacked” and had a bunch of SPAM spewing from my e-mail out something I learned that is called “port 25”. Well, Comcast didn’t like that, so they shut down port 25. From Wednesday morning on, I could receive e-mail but not send from my Outlook. Big problem.

It would have been nice if Comcast would have advised me. I guess that would have been too easy. After all, how many hours could I have saved had I knew WHY I couldn’t send e-mails?

Fortunately, I had a member of my Toro Team help me get through this hurdle. Without his help, I would have wasted much more time.

As a business owner, your time is extremely valuable. Do you have time to waste on insurance issues? Uncovered claims, hidden costs of loss, and chasing down your agent are not good use of your time. You can protect that time by doing your homework upfront. Allocate time to properly analyze your policy interview agents, and get competitive quotes on a regular basis. You will save time, money, and frustration by doing your homework…before the disaster!

What’s your time worth?


P.S. One valuable way to spend your time is at my The Bull Stops Here workshop in Poulsbo, WA on March 5. You have the chance to walk away with strategies that will save you time and money in the event of a disaster OR help you avoid it in the first place. To learn more, click here…

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Insure your pets while they ride with you...

I was reading my favorite blogs on Google Reader the other day and I saw my friend and mentor Scott Simmonds posted an article about pet insurance.

Here's the deal - Progressive Insurance has come out with protection to cover your pet if they are hurt in an accident. Now that's creative thinking! The coverage will come from your Collision insurance and cover up to $500 for vet bills and medicine associated with an accident. To learn more go to:


P.S. Scott Simmonds is my guest on Thursday, January 10 at 6:00pm PST as part of my Toro Teleconference Series. By being a participant, you will walk away with seven (7) questions you MUST ask your insurance agent today. To register now, go to:

P.S.S. Have you added this blog to your RSS feeder yet? If not, why? You will get current information on issues involving your insurance that will save you time, money, and frustration. Is there anything better than making your life simpler and easier when it comes to your insurance?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Amazing Grace...

“Having heard all of this, you may choose to look the other way…but you can never say again that you did not know.”

- William Wilberforce (1759-1833)

This past weekend, my family watched the 2007 movie, Amazing Grace. Amazing is exactly what it turned out to be.

I’m embarrassed that as a History major I had never heard of William Wilberforce. Wilberforce was the leading abolitionist in the early 19th century leading the charge against the British Slave Trade. His pastor, John Newton, was the famed Slave Trade Captain who reformed and penned the song, Amazing Grace. He was Wilberforce’s inspiration for the fight.

The movie accurately characterized the power that Wilberforce conveyed in his ability to speak and present. Though it took over a decade (in large part due to the war with France) Wilberforce never relented and finally won a great battle in Parliament. Had it not been for Wilberforce’s skill as a dynamic communicator and presenter, who knows how many more lives would have been negatively impacted?

What lives do you currently impact? What lives can you impact? Either personally or through your chosen vocation, your ability to communicate your message carries great weight. Your family, your friends, and your clients gain value from you. Make the most of your gifts and change lives for the better, just like William Wilberforce did 200 years ago.


P.S. Want to get better at your presentations? Now is the time to register for my Panic to Power Boot Camp in Seattle on March 18. For more information, click here…

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ready for a shock!

Last night, I was leaving the gas station and I noticed a man talking on his cell phone while beginning to pump gas. If you're not already aware of it...cellular phones give off static electricity. Static electricity and pumping gas can lead to one thing....BOOM!

We all spend too much time on our cell phones as it is. Don't risk your health while your at the gas station. Stations are doing a better job advising people not to re-enter their car because of static electricity...they need to improve it with cell phones.

The one thing I should have done - I should have stopped and told the guy just like I'm telling you now. Next time, I'll make the time to pass on the word. Will you?

Let's make sure the only thing shocking about buying gas is the price!

Stay safe...
