Welcome Message

Hey, what do you know? I can be taught! I'm officially a blogger. What the heck is a blog anyway? The simplest way to describe it is as my personal journal that’s not so personal because I share it with everyone in the world. This blog is titled “The Bull Stops Here” and focuses on insurance issue that will save you time, money and frustration.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:
- ways to help you save money on your insurance
- techniques to save you time on managing your insurance
- answers to your questions on coverage issues
- educational resources and workshops that will solve your insurance challenges

My mission is to help you gain more confidence and trust in your business or personal insurance while spending the least amount of money.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What's Your Identity Worth?

If you missed today's teleconference with Brenda Wall from PrePaid Legal Services you missed a good one. Brenda gave her strategies to protecting your good name and your business' liability exposure.

One statistic really caught my attention, though. Did you know that only 28% of identity theft comes from the financial arena? Over 70% of identity theft comes from stolen social security numbers, drivers license information, medical records, and criminal records. For instance, if you lose your drivers license, someone can steal your identity and the next thing you know you have three DUI's on your record. Scary. You need to be vigilant with any personal information you have because the more the bad guys know about you, the more they can steal from you.

Education is the best way to arm yourself in this fight. I will soon have this audio available in my Toro store. Keep an eye out for it.


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