Welcome Message

Hey, what do you know? I can be taught! I'm officially a blogger. What the heck is a blog anyway? The simplest way to describe it is as my personal journal that’s not so personal because I share it with everyone in the world. This blog is titled “The Bull Stops Here” and focuses on insurance issue that will save you time, money and frustration.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:
- ways to help you save money on your insurance
- techniques to save you time on managing your insurance
- answers to your questions on coverage issues
- educational resources and workshops that will solve your insurance challenges

My mission is to help you gain more confidence and trust in your business or personal insurance while spending the least amount of money.

Monday, September 3, 2007

What you can learn from Wii®din

We just bought the new Nintendo game Wii® on Saturday and boy, is it a hoot! How many of you have Wii®? For those of you scratching your head and wondering what the heck is Weedin talking about, let me explain. Wii® is basically a PlayStation ® console where you can play video games on your TV. It’s a wireless game that needs YOU to do all the motions in order to make the characters on your TV move. So, if you’re playing golf, tennis, baseball, boxing, or racing cows – you perform all the actions. No more sitting like a lump on a chair with a joy stick, now you have to get up and move with Wii®.

First of all, as a family Wii® provided us hours of fun, raucous laughter at each others follies, and (unbelievably) great exercise. We were all pooped at the end of the evening. If you don’t believe me, go try out the boxing trainer and tell me you don’t work up a real sweat.

So, what can we learn from playing Wii®?

Well for starters, you can spend real quality time with your family and friends. Wii® is almost like a board game that takes everybody’s participation and attention. Unlike sitting and watching television, conversation, laughter, and bonding take place. You wouldn’t have caught me EVER saying this before about video games, but Wii® changed my mind.

Secondly, I came away with a new appreciation of humility. My daughter Kelli and I were competing in several games, namely boxing and shooting (not people – mainly space ships coming to take away little characters that look like us). She was regularly beating me (pretty soundly) in all the games that required speed, reflexes, and agility. It’s a humbling thing to be beaten by your 17 year old daughter in a boxing match! Although I was stronger (measured by the speed of your punch), she was quicker, delivering more blows.

The lesson in humility is important for all of us. One of the areas of work I need is in humility and sometimes my kids give me a wake up call. Humility is a very important aspect of business. Think about it. If you’re not humble, it’s hard to listen, for both agents AND clients. When listening doesn’t happen, it’s impossible to communicate. If communications fail, then being able to properly protect your business fails. For agents, the ability to serve your clients fails. Being humble in your business and serving others makes winners all the way around. It can be a hard lesson to learn, though.

When was the last dose of humility you received? Maybe the more important question is - what did you do with it?

Happy Labor Day!


1 comment:

Paul said...

Hi Dan,

I know this is an old post but I was trying to find out some basic information on the Nintendo Wii and did a Google search on "learn about wii" and your blog post was one of the top three that came up. I found your description of it and mention of how you use it very helpful and I just wanted to say thanks. Off to learn more about wii :-)
