Welcome Message

Hey, what do you know? I can be taught! I'm officially a blogger. What the heck is a blog anyway? The simplest way to describe it is as my personal journal that’s not so personal because I share it with everyone in the world. This blog is titled “The Bull Stops Here” and focuses on insurance issue that will save you time, money and frustration.

You’ll find regularly posted topics dealing with:
- ways to help you save money on your insurance
- techniques to save you time on managing your insurance
- answers to your questions on coverage issues
- educational resources and workshops that will solve your insurance challenges

My mission is to help you gain more confidence and trust in your business or personal insurance while spending the least amount of money.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What's Wrong with This Picture?

Yesterday I was driving back from an appointment on a highway that had some road construction. Two hours earlier I had noted two cars pulled over by state patrol; probably receiving the double-fine in a construction zone ticket. Needless to say, I was very wary of obeying the speed limit through that zone on the way back.

The guy behind me obviously didn't know what I knew because he was on my tail all the way through. Of course, I felt redeemed as there was state patrol with a radar gun at the end of the construction zone.

Not a mile after leaving the area, Mr. Speedy decided to blow by me on the highway. I guess he was in a big hurry. The ironic thing was as he sped by me, I caught the window sticker on the back of his commercial vehicle....it said "Give them a break"...the safety sign for construction workers!

Do you know how your drivers are operating your commercial vehicles?


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